Thursday, February 16, 2012

oh hey.... i have a blog

So... Thanksgiving was awesome, got to go home and surprise most of my family.
Finals were hectic, but i ended up with a 3.8, which isn't too bad.
Christmas was fun, as was Christmas break, including an awesome New Year's Eve party with some friends/family.
This semester had been pretty crazy so far, so here's where I assume you're all caught up on my life for the past few months.

I sprained my ankle a couple weeks ago while i was out running! (which i think i only posted about on twitter) I was running, stepped on it weird, and then tripped. Of course, i was a mile away from campus when it happened, so I had to walk back. I put ice on it when i got back and went to UMS the next day. I could walk on it pretty easily 24 hours after the fact, but i still haven't tried running yet since i sprained it. There is still the tiniest bit of swelling, and it only hurts if i poke it. *shrug*

Classes are in full swing, and are crazy as ever. I'm taking Organic Chemistry II, General Psychology, Cell Bio, New Testament Lit, a 1 credit pharmacy class, choir, and racquetball (which starts after spring break). Most of those are pretty easy classes. Except for Cell and O Chem, which are a pain in the butt. (I have 4 tests the 3 days before spring break!)

The week after that i had my first O Chem test, and got my first Cell test back, both of which went pretty badly... So all in all, the last few weeks have been kind of rough. But I think that I was able to get something out of it. It seems that God was telling me that i should be focusing on him first, and not on relationships, exercise, academics, or any of that stuff. So this past weekend, I took a couple hours and just thought through stuff like priorities, life goals, short term goals, what i'm struggling with, and prayed about it. It was really good. I should do it more often. I also got to talk and pray with one of my friends about stuff we've both been dealing with, which is always great.

I've also been reading through some of Paul's epistles, which has been great. I'm starting to actually enjoy reading my bible and praying more than I used to, and am noticing that I miss it when i forget to do it for a day. So I think I'm definitely making some progress in that area.

In other news, I've been going through a leadership program here at school, mostly because its free, and seemed like a great program. I've enjoyed it a lot so far. I took the DiSC personality profile thing, and realized I'm a high S and C (or Golden Retriever and Beaver for those who've heard of that.)

Another thing, (this post is turning out really long, haha) so i was walking to dinner before my ministry that i go to on Fridays (The Barn) and I was walking with the 2 guys that run it, a senior and junior who are in my unit, and they were kind of hinting at getting me to think about being the leader of the ministry in a couple years, after they both graduate. I've only been going to the ministry this year, but I've been driving the 12 passenger vans for it since November. Anyways, I'm gonna be praying about it, and hopefully get more involved in leading it next year, and see where it goes from there.

anyway, i'm still not sure i'm that great at blogging, but that's what's going on in my life right now.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get Real.....with God

So, last weekend was really busy, and on Sunday i felt exhausted, physically, mentally, i was tired.. But then we had our weekly unit meeting, and it was SO GOOD. we watched the following video and talked about how we just need to be real with God, because if we don't then we won't be as real with other people. We should be able to talk to God about anything.

After the meeting, we split up in groups and prayed, and that was really good too. We need to find our identity in Christ, not in ourselves, or in other people. Later that night, i told my RA, a good friend of mine, who is awesome, that i loved the unit meeting, and we talked for a while, and prayed together, and it was so awesome, and just what i needed. I love when people tell you just what you need to hear, and i love praying together with good friends.

Phillipians 2:3, and really that whole chapter are amazing. Its a great reminder, that we shouldn't do anything out of jealousy, rivalry, pride or conceit. We should consider others better than ourselves.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i am restless...

I just had fall break, which was basically just getting last thursday and friday off from school. It was nice though, i got to relax, not think about school for a while. Got to just hangout with some of the guys in the unit. Half of the unit actually stayed here over break, which is crazy, cuz last year only me and one other guy from my unit stayed on campus. haha
Lets see... lots of school work happening? I got a 94 on my 2nd O Chem exam! and a 95 on my lit exam! I also have a US history midterm next week, which i am dreading, I hate that class...

OH YEAH. I went to a switchfoot/anberlin concert a couple weeks ago in Bowling Green, Ohio. It was AWESOME. So glad i went. Switchfoot is the best live, they played 12 songs: Mess of Me, The War Inside, This is Your LIfe, Your Love is a Song, Dark Horses (they started it acoustic!), Where I Belong,  Dare You to Move, Afterlife, and This is the Sound. It was awesome. Anberlin was good too, but not as good as switchfoot. Anberlin played a few acoustic songs, and some other songs, it was pretty legit. I'm glad i got to go.

On a more serious note, something i've been struggling with recently is being jealous of my friends when they get better grades, have better friends, and seem further along the spiritual path then me. A friend of mine just happened to tell me about how he had dealt with this recently without even knowing i was struggling with it, and that was really cool. So i've been trying to take his advice and just praise God for them, and focus on where i am with God, and let him take me a step at a time. I'm so glad God has put good friends in my life while here at CU. 

TIme management and just juggling all of this with classes and everything else i'm doing is really tough.
I'm doing a ministry this year, volunteering with other cedarville students at The Barn Youth Center hanging out with high school kids. I've only gone for about a month now, but its been fun so far. 
Oh, and a couple weekends ago, i helped out at Junior Jam here at Cedarville, which is basically VBS in one day. A bunch of elementary students came, and i co-led a group of them and led them around. It was fun, but exhausting, little kids have lots of energy. Well, this turned out longer than expected. If you want more details, ask. Otherwise, feel free to comment, i like activity in my blog.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blog fail?

I'm in Ohio! (sorry for the summer of no updates. :p) Summer was fun though.
Being a sophomore is awesome. Just sayin'. It's so cool going on campus and actually knowing people when you get there! But anyway, I'm in a new unit this year, with none of the same people as last year, haha. I'm rooming with a freshman, he's alright so far, but it would be nice to room with someone the same year as me sometime.
I've gotten to play more games of Ultimate Frisbee here this week than the whole of last year on campus, which i find hilarious. It was nice to have so much free time before classes finally started today. I'm feeling pretty good about this year so far, my RA is a friend from last year, and he's an awesome guy, so i'm excited, this is gonna be a great year. The fall bible conference here at Cedarville has been amazing so far. Dr. Michael Easley is the speaker. He's awesome. The worship music has been awesome so far too. There's nothing quite like 3200 students all singing together. 
Well i guess that's it. Hopefully i will keep this updated more regularly than i did last year.

Friday, April 15, 2011

stuff :/

So I figured it was time to update this blog.
The past couple weeks have not been the greatest, for several reasons.
The main one, is that i found out about 2 and a half weeks ago that my cousin Andy, who was only a year younger than me, killed himself. He was a pretty good friend.
So that has been tough, especially since all my family related to him is in California or Colorado, and I'm in Ohio. It made the choir trip the next weekend less fun that it should have been, although i had a blast.
That combined with trying to figure out scheduling of classes for next semester, and trying to figure out housing, and a roommate (which i still need to find), and also almost every class I'm in has a huge workload at this time of the semester. I also found out today that i didn't get a position as a getting started small group leader this fall, which i had been looking forward too. So that's what up, among other things.
Basically lots of stress, and stuff, but school is almost over, 2 more weeks of classes, and then finals, and then flying home on the 10th.
I also get to go to New York City next weekend for Easter break. :D

And also, Velociraptor Awareness Day is on Monday. Please Be aware. Thank you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

springbreak, blackbird, and xkcd. Oh My.

I should just stop saying "wow i should post more" then maybe i might. oh well. :p

I finally figured out how to play blackbird on guitar. Its fun to play, and its one of those songs that you kind of NEED to know how to play if you like the Beatles and can play guitar. I've also been looking up chords for other songs i like.

I've been having entirely too much fun looking through the webcomics on, warning, there is some language on some comics, but overall, the comics are hilarious.

I had spring break last week, it was awesome. Awesome friends, awesome games, awesome food. The works. Shadow over Camelot is still one of the best games ever. As is Wii Jeopardy!

I guess that's all for now.

Friday, February 18, 2011

...a month later

wow, its been almost a month since i last posted on here...anyway.

I've been thinking a lot recently about how i spend my time. I spend way too much on the computer, mostly facebook, and i really need to spend more time reading my bible and praying. As well as other stuff like working out, and learning more guitar. Of course, i need to do more focus on school work too. but yeah, time management. USE IT. srsly people.